Thursday, September 15, 2011

15 weeks...and counting

And what have I learned?

I have learned that in life, there are no promises, and no guarantees. All we have is today, this moment, nothing more...if we don't do today what we are meant to do, be what we are meant to be, we may never get the chance. This is not cruel, it just is.

I have learned that especially when you feel the most alone, you are not...and that when you live your life in service to others, the love you give is returned a hundred fold, when you need it the most.

I have learned that love, is the greatest, most powerful thing that exists in the universe. It is bigger than life, and bigger than overcomes, it goes on, and it heals even when the cut is unbearably deep.

I have learned that you can't change the past, even if you think of it always, and dream about a different outcome. What is done, is done. This, again, is not cruel, it just is.

I have learned that life does go on, my life, the life of those around me, the life of my son, the world keeps moving, and so must I...and on the days when it is the hardest, I am sent angels to help me make it through.

I have learned that not everything someone SAYS, is useful to me, but when I focus on the intention, I am always comforted.

I have learned that there are those who have no sympathy, who have nothing but hatred in them, and to those people I send only love...for what more can heal the world but Love?

I have learned that through our saddest and lowest moments, bonds and friendships are sometimes formed and strengthened. That there is a sisterhood now, with those who have felt this pain, and we are all stronger for the knowing that we are not the only ones who have felt this.

I have learned that children know more that anyone ever gives them credit for, and they are more resilient also. I have realized that some of my most honest and purely loving support, comes from my 3 year old.

I have learned that I can get through this, I can go on, and that I will be okay...

I am still grateful, and I have learned that this gratitude continues to grow every day.

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