Saturday, August 13, 2011

ER yesterday...

Disclaimer: I will be sharing info about my menstrual cycle, so if that is not something you want to know about...don't read further :)

So, I ended up in the ER yesterday...I started my first period since I gave birth to Mateo, on Thursday. It was pretty normal until I got home on Thursday from choir practice. Then it started to get much heaver, I was having to use 1 pad an hour...and it didn't stop, so I called my midwife who had me go to get checked. I ended up at the ER most of the day. They didn't find the reason for the problem, but they did find that I was a little anemic from the blood loss and gave me medicines and sent me home. It was harder because I had to explain what happened to Mateo over and over again and then they did an ultrasound....I haven't had one since they found that he had passed I cried and Renato held my hand. The U/S tech shared with me that she lost her baby when she was 27 weeks pregnant, and it helped to know that she really did understand what I was going through.

I am feeling much better today, and had to pick up a few things from Walmart today and I passed baby clothes. There was an outfit that was 3-6 months and I realized that he would have been wearing that size now, if he had lived....I can't believe how time just keeps going and he will always be the same in my heart and in my memories...

So today has been a lot about reflection and remembering...and continuing to grieve...

1 comment:

  1. I bleed like that all the time. It is heavy enough that tampons are not an option and I do not dare go anywhere unless I am wearing the "overnight" size pad and it will only be an hour or so. My doctor says I am fine. It is quite unnerving isn't it? It seems like so much blood. I am glad to hear all is well with you in the belly :) It is easy to worry after so much has happened. I am sorry you had to explain all that so many times though. Medical personal can be horrid sometimes. :(
